
Always Eat After 7 PM #4

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Alright guys, who is ready for some final thoughts? It has now been 4 weeks since I began transforming my life with the "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion" plan. If you haven't checked out my previous posts please find them linked here: Week 1 , Week 2 Week 3 [ These posts are sponsored by Always Eat After 7 PM but all opinions are my own!] The Always Eat After 7 PM plan consists of: The 14-day Acceleration Phase to kick-start the program and see rapid results, The Main Phase where you’ll learn exactly which foods to eat when in order to achieve your weight-loss goals, The Lifestyle Phase to keep the weight off for good. I have just finished the main phase and am moving onto the lifestyle phase.

Overall I am so happy that I took the plunge and tried out this program. I have seen great results postpartum and I do not feel like I'm depriving myself of anything. I have officially lost all of the baby weight and I can feel my energy returning! WOOHOO!! I do feel that my progress has slowed a bit this past week but I'm still making progress. This is probably due to me entering the final phase.
Some lifestyle changes I've made are that I stopped eating breakfast. I used to be such a huge breakfast person. I no longer eat it or crave it. This way of eating has completely curbed my late night hunger! See this excerpt from the book: “Those who ate breakfast ended up eating about 260 calories more a day, the review found. Those who skipped breakfast were about one pound lighter than those who ate breakfast. These findings led the researchers to conclude that eating breakfast isn’t necessarily a good strategy for losing weight. The science isn’t really there. Breakfast could very well be the least important meal of the day.”
Another change I've made is being less restrictive of my foods. I have now gained the knowledge that I can have just about anything I want but in moderation and the ability to know what time of day is best to eat certain foods. We’ve been traditionally taught to avoid carbs, have an early dinner, and never eat before bed. But the fact is, the latest scientific research shows us this earlier model is not the most ideal. I was able to do all of these things all while losing weight! 
So who's with me? Together let's ditch the breakfast is the most important mindset and start revamping our life! Follow this link for more information and to purchase your own copy of Always Eat After 7PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion. YOU WON'T REGRET IT! Purchase Here!

[ These posts are sponsored by Always Eat After 7 PM but all opinions are my own!]

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Always Eat After 7 PM #3

Monday, June 8, 2020

Welcome to week 3 of my 4 week journey with the book & diet plan, "Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion. This week I will be updating you on my goals that I listed in Week #1's blog post. If you haven't check out my previous posts I will leave them linked here: Week 1 & Week 2 . I will also be discussing what I am loving & learning from the book! [this post is sponsored by Always Eat After 7 PM, but all opinions are my own]

Let's talk goals. To reiterate my goals were to gain energy and to lose my postpartum weight (and keep it off). In the past I would lose weight fairly quickly from diet and exercise, but my diet was always very strict and I oftentimes felt like I was missing out on living my best life. I wasn't enjoying food anymore and that saddened me. This is what led me to this plan. The though of getting to eat desserts and other indulgent foods all while getting healthier and losing weight excited me! 

So far I am noticing a change in myself! I noticed that I am gaining a healthier relationship with food. No longer am I beating myself up over eating dessert or obsessing over the scale down to the very ounce. I find that this plan is very doable. I do not feel restricted and I am seeing results! Currently I am down 18 pounds post baby and am already back in my pre-pregnancy jeans (5 weeks post baby) I know some of that is from having a baby, but... I am not going to discredit the loss. I know that my new take on eating has helped me lose the weight so quickly. Plus, with this quarantine going on, you'd think I'd be gaining a ton of weight from boredom eating like everyone else but I'm not! With this plan I have a strict eating window.The most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis. I plan my meals and snacks during those times. This helps me to stay on track even with my ever changing lifestyle during quarantine. As far as energy goes, I am noticing a difference, but to be fair I have a newborn so my sleep schedule is kind of a mess. I'm interested to see what kind of progress I make in this department once the baby gets on a decent sleep schedule!

Okay, now onto what I'm loving/learning from this program. One thing I'm loving is the food list. I am not required to restrict any certain food group. You heard me right... that means carbs are our friends!! See this excerpt from the book: “Fact is, most diets are extremely narrow with regard to food choices and variety, and many even limit entire macronutrients altogether over the course of the entire program (think low-carb and low-fat diets). Three months with no carbs? No thanks. Such practices not only are entirely unnecessary, but make for a miserable, unsustainable experience.” This being said is another reason why this lifestyle change is so obtainable. I used to restrict in my previous weight loss practices and as soon as I "slipped up" I would spiral out of control.
Some of my favorite recipes I've discovered/made from the book are the desserts. I have a huge sweet tooth. I loved the No Bake Salted Caramel Bars and the Cherry Garcia Ice Cream. Don't these sound amazing!

I am so excited to update you all again next week! I really am a believer in this program. Joel Marion’s Always Eat After 7PM program makes dieting easy and eliminates 90% of reasons for resistance. 

Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase. If you'd like more information about the plan or are wanting to purchase the book for yourself click on the following link to check out their website!: Always Eat After 7 PM

[ These posts are sponsored by Always Eat After 7 PM but all opinions are my own!]

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Always Eat After 7PM #2

Monday, June 1, 2020

Hey guys! Welcome to part #2 of my 4 week segment on "Always Eat After 7PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion" This blog post is sponsored by Always Eat After 7PM but all thoughts are my own!
Missed my first post? Find it here: Blog #1 

This week I'll be discussing why I chose this diet as well as sharing an interview with the Author, Joel Marion, answering some most asked questions!

As a postpartum mom I knew I would need some type of program to get my health back on track. When I heard about Joel's diet I was intrigued. It seemed to go against everything I was told in the past about dieting rules. It also seemed like something that would fit my new lifestyle. As most of you know, mothers to newborns are often up late and sleeping at weird hours. I found myself starving during those late night feeds when I was eating a traditional diet during 8am-7pm. Being able to eat late at night without gaining weight excited me! Another plus to this diet was the increase of quality sleep you get from eating a heavier meal later in your day. 

“A research paper published in Sports Medicine in 2014 showed that people who eat the majority of their carbs at dinner actually sleep better. Carb-induced, quality sleep decreases cortisol (a fat-storing hormone) and ramps up the production of your sleep hormones, serotonin and melatonin. Restorative sleep increases fat-burning hormones—the main one being growth hormone—overnight.”

Lastly, I wanted a plan that I would stick to. I didn't want a plan that was SO extreme that it wasn't manageable for the long haul. The most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis.

Now let's dive into our author interview!
Bestselling author, Joel Marion, is a fitness expert and nutritionist debunking the myths underlying traditional dieting and offers a simple, highly effective weight loss program. 

Question #1: How long did it take for you to develop the diet?

Answer: It actually took several years of researching for me to discover the real science of eating late night. After a few years of tweaking and refining, I finally came up with a rapid fat loss solution that overcomes all the pitfalls of traditional diets.

Question #2: What was the most surprising discovery when you were researching scientific data for the diet?

Answer: That almost everything my college education and certifications taught me was NOT grounded in published scientific research.

Question #3: How difficult is the Always Eat After 7 PM plan to follow?

Answer: It's not. And that's exactly why I wrote the book. While any diet is never truly easy, it can be more enjoyable and much easier to adhere to when you understand how Always Eat After 7pm works because it caters to our bodies natural instincts.
Wanting to know more about the author Joel? Watch this video: Author Intro

I hope you enjoyed hearing my why and getting to know the author a bit. I am so excited to keep delving into this new program & can't wait to share my results and final thoughts with you all! Stay tuned for my next update that will go live next week.

***Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase! Learn more about the book and how to purchase here:

[ These posts are sponsored by Always Eat After 7 PM but all opinions are my own!]

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Always Eat After 7 PM #1

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

*This post is sponsored by “Always Eat After 7 PM” but all opinions are my own*

As someone who has tried just about every diet plan/ lifestyle out there, I’m always looking for something that’ll be the right fit for me. Something that’ll not only help me lose weight and keep it off but something that will give me energy to keep up with my kids.  

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve found success before. I’ve lost 90 lbs in the past couple of years with healthy eating and exercise (heavy on the exercise)  but I wasn’t able to keep it off. The second I would slip up from my “plan” things quickly got out of control. 

Currently, I’ve gained 30lbs back and I just had a baby in early March of this year. Honestly, there’s no time better time than now to get serious and buckle down with a plan!  [ad]

I want to introduce you all to a book I am reading/working through and I encourage you to join me on this journey. It’s called “Always Eat After 7pm” The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion. I know what you are thinking, “that can’t be what they are encouraging right?” 
This definitely goes against what most of diet culture says is true, but they use science to back it up. 

“Research shows that the average person’s metabolic rate is no different during sleep than during the day. In short, your metabolism doesn’t slow down at night. Nor does your body store fat at the end of the day. Whether it’s 8 am or 8 pm, you use food for energy the same way.”

That being said, it shouldn’t matter if you eat a heavy meal right before bed, your body will work the same to burn it off as it would during the day. 

The book also states that the most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis. All of which are key to a successful health and weight loss journey! 

Wanting to know more? Watch this short video into the science behind the diet:

I’m super excited to begin this journey of figuring out what’s best for me & my body. This new way of thinking/ dieting may just be the key to my weight loss and health! Follow along over the next 30 days as I will be updating the blog on my progress and what I’ve learned through this book!

If you’re interested in joining me over the next 30 days; click here: for more information & to purchase your own copy of the book! 

*This post is sponsored by “Always Eat After 7PM” but all opinions are my own*

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